
B.B.A., Texas Tech University

Courtney always shows up with a positive attitude and a smile on her face.

After leaving her native Houston to live in California for a period of time, Courtney knew she needed to get back to Texas and Austin was the only place she wanted to be.  Quite simply, she missed the people of her home state.

Courtney is very much a “people person” and has always enjoyed working with, and getting to know, clients to build rapport so they always feel like they can come to her for any client needs.  She loves being presented with situations where she can explore ways to streamline processes or complete a task more efficiently, and effectively, to the benefit of the client as well as the firm.  

In her free time, Courtney loves spending time with her family, friends, and her dogs, seeing live music, exploring the outdoors, and enjoying the dynamic culinary scene in Austin.

Get to Know Courtney

What is the one food that you would never give up?

Queso, or really Mexican food in general.

What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Explain.

The laundry. It never goes away.

What's your favorite quote/saying?

Be a rainbow in somebody else's cloud. -Maya Angelou

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